Hunter Water Corporation
Hunter water corporation water mains crossings of Cockle creek at Torralba/Boolaroo. referred to as the Northern and Southern crossings, were the only supply of water to HWC customers west of lake Macquarie and provided backup supply to the central coast - Gosford /Wyong area. Both Creek crossing pipelines needed urgent repair and upgrade to increase capacity for future works.
Design Development, supply, and construction of two 630 OD Polyethylene PE 100 PE trenchless water main crossing cockle Creek at Torralba/Bolero approx 300m.
Design development, supply, and construction of open trench DN600 DICL pipework to connect the trenchless creek crossings to the existing system.
Clearing, and vegetation management.
Installation of silt curtains, erosion, sediment and controls.
Construction of the drilling launch and retrieval pits for both the Northern and Southern trenchless pipelines.
The location of the crossings, previous disposal of smelter waste has resulted in the area being contaminated by metals., As such, some handling, testing, treatment and disposal of contaminated soil material and groundwater was required.
Avoiding disturbance to the creek bed was a paramount.
Working within designated restricted areas.
Sensitive environmental area and protection of vegetation and weed management.
Unknown services in the pathway of the new pipeline requiring capping or relocation.
Use of a sports field for welding and layout of pipeline and securing the site.
Successfully construction and crossover completion without disruption to the service or network.