
Dudley Charlestown Wastewater System Upgrade Stage 1 Construction of Gravity Sewer Main

This Contract involved the construction of new sewers and upgrade of the existing sewerage system between Kahibah 1 Wastewater Pumping Station (WWPS) and Burwood Beach Wastewater Treatment works (BBWWTW), the inlet works DN900 Main connections (BBWWTW), and construction of emergency storage upgrades to Dudley 2 & 4 WWPS.

Gravity Sewer Main
  • Supply & Construction of 1329m of DN600 SN 8 sewer pro pipe
  • Supply & Construct DN 375 Overflow pipes
  • Supply & Construct DN 525 gravity sewers
  • Supply & Construct DN600 MSCL Sewer Aerial Crossing
  • Supply & Construct DN900 inlet works connections at Burwood beach Treatment Plant
  • Concrete encasement of DN600 sewer
  • Connections of new sewer to the existing sewerage network
  • Supply and installation of new vent stacks
  • New sewer access chambers; including a DN1500 and DN 1800 Chamber
  • Construct Emergency Storage Chamber
  • Cleaning, flushing, testing and commissioning of sewers
Decommissioning of Kahibah 1 WWPS
  • De-energise, disconnected, dismantle and dispose of
    • electrical power supply
    • switchboard & all equipment controls
    • mechanical equipment in the wet well and valve chamber
  • Transfer Vent Stack to new Chamber


Dudley 2 WWPS
  • Construction of two 2.7m diameter access chambers
  • Construction of emergency storage tank (7m of DN1200) concrete pipes including an automatic wash down
  • Construction DN150 ventilation pipeline; and PLC & SCADA modifications


Dudley 4 WWPS
  • Construction of a subsurface rectangular concrete pit incorporating a trafficable roof
  • Construction DN150 UPVC pipework
  • Construction of a vent stack; and PLC & SCADA modifications
Challenges & Achievements

The construction works were carried out in highly environmentally sensitive areas (National Park, ocean, waterways, creeks, and bushland) with requirements to protect rare species of Plants and Wildlife. Kerroc achieved the Clients and National parks Environmental agreements including their EPA License permits and contributed to their achievement of their goals and targets. This success was acknowledged by the stakeholders

Working around other Major upgrades and subcontractors within the treatment Plant area.

The Planning of the works involved communication and consultation with numerous stakeholders.

Monitoring the environmental management plan. procedures in relation to clearing, excavation, separation and location marking of stockpiles which involved scaping of 75cm topsoil, extracting the spoil in 300cm layers to be backfilled in the same order. Keeping the soil/spoil in separate, classified layers. Replacing the layers within the exact location of extraction to allow the native seeds to regenerate, this method allowed rapid restoration and restore of native plants.

Intensive sediment and erosion control management, daily maintenance and repairs works, Restoring the pipeline route immediately on completion of works and progressively. Maintaining access tracks which had the ability to be dust bowls on fine days or Mud baths in wet weather, Maintaining the restrictive minimum clearing width during construction to avoid unnecessary damage to the fauna.

Removing and treatment of lantana in accordance with our CEMP prior to the flowering season to avoid the spreading of weeds in the National Park.

Completing various Ecological investigations. Relocation and realignment of the pipeline route due its findings of protected Plant species and provide protection of others which ran in close proximity to the construction works. Scheduling work within the appropriate season and with specific care e.g., the installation of a pontoon for the crane during the construction of the wetland area aerial crossing pipeline.

Maintaining awareness, signage and monitoring the cyclists, walkers and adventurers ensuring they did not wander into the work zones, Securing the sites and preventing or controlling hazards at the end of each day was a priority and especially at the weekends. Other safety concerns were confined spaces, deep excavations, working from heights and working on narrow tracks with existing chambers on cliff hangers.

No environmental or safety incidents occurred, and works were completed within the timeframe. Satisfactory EPA and National Parks Audits.


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