
Noble road killcare bridge replacement

Demolition and disposal of existing timber bridge and the supply and installation of reinforced concrete box culverts. Works also include pavement restoration, water and sewer main replacement and bank stabilisation.

The works included but not limited to the following:

    Demolition and disposal of Existing Bridge

    Clearing of trees and vegetation

    Installation of sheet piling

    Supply & Install Foundation material wrapped in geofabric

    Supply and install concrete working platform (mud mat)

    Construct in-situ base slab, apron, toe walls

    Supply and install sub soil drainage

    Supply and install 3330 X 900 x2440 culverts

    Construct Road pavement and Tie ins and Footpath

    Supply and Install Monowills Handrail

  • Clearing vegetation
  • Excavate drainage channel
  • Reshape channel using sandstone boulders
  • Supply and install rock revetment
  • Treatment of Acid Sulphate Soil and Disposal


Water Main & Sewer drainage
  • Remove and dispose of existing AC water main
  • Supply and lay new 100mm PVC Water Main bend and fittings
  • Flange, valves, and handle
  • Supply and install flushing hydrants
  • Construct Thrust blocks
  • Concrete encased water main
  • Acceptance testing of water main renewals
  • Disinfection of water mains including flushing and disposal of disinfected water to the sewer for each section of water main renewal
  • Construct Sewer Main DN 225 Gravity main & DN 300 Rising Main and encasements
  • Bypass design of Harvey sewer pump station
  • CCTV inspections
  • Supply and Install 450 RCP
  • Construct 900 x 900 Raised grate SW pit
Challenges and achievement

Construction of the bridge and channel had a dependence on monitoring the Tidal waves and working within these time frames.

Working in proximity of residence, traffic, and pedestrians. Implementation of effective traffic and pedestrian management plans and securing the site at the close of day which achieved nil incident.

Providing awareness and demarcation of sensitive environmental area.

Protecting vegetation by keeping clearing to the minimum.

Effective Daily Friendly Community Communication allowed a nil complaint register.

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