
Morpeth wastewater treatment works, stage 2 hydraulic upgrade, installation of pipelines

Hunter Water Corporation upgraded Morpeth Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) to increase its hydraulic capacity; The treatment plant was operated By Veolia for 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. Hunter H2O Holdings performed the role of the client Superintendent.

The works included but not limited to the following:
  • Construction of an Inlet Lift Pumping Station (ILPS) discharge pipework, flow meter and rising mains to existing inlet works / bioreactor DN750 DICL, DN1200 MSCL, DN960 MSC pipework and connections, Flow meter Pit & valve cover
  • Construction of a new Effluent Pumping Station (EPS) header pipework connecting to the existing effluent transfer pipeline; DN750 DICL
  • Construction of a new UV Lift Pumping Station (UVPS) discharge pipework. (DN375), flow meter, pits and rising main to the existing UV channel. (DN375) DICL
Pipeline, pumping station, stormwater, and Conduit construction works included but not limited to:
  • Diversion of minor pipelines and stormwater mains around bulk earthworks works area
  • Installation of Complex conduits systems
  • Planning of Major Bypass stems for Numerous Shutdowns
  • Consultation with stakeholders in planning and scheduling of the shutdowns and night works in relation to the Various connections, diversion and crossovers
  • Diversion of the DN1200 GRP existing gravity sewer to a new access chamber constructed on the existing DN1200 effluent bypass pipeline: connection of DN1200 incoming gravity main from Inlet Works including temporary isolation and bypass pumping arrangements
  • Inlet Lift Facility Diversion and Rising Main Pipework- Construct Pipeline Inlet Lift PS to DN600 & DN750 Mains (DN500 DICL) Flow Meter Pit C/W valve pit cover
  • Diversion of the existing DN1200 effluent bypass pipeline to the ILPS
  • Connection X 3 DN750 DICL offline Rising Main Existing DN600 DICL Rising Main Berry Park to WWTW
  • Connection to Existing DN600 GRP Bioreactor Inlet Pipework
  • Connection to Existing Bypass Channel
  • Connection to Existing DN1200 GRP gravity main Inlet Works to Effluent Pump Station
  • Connection to Existing DN12oo MSCL Gravity Main from Inlet Works
  • Connection of DN600 and DN750 rising mains from Berry Park No.1 WWPS to ILPS; and Flange connections
  • Connection existing DN960 MSCL gravity main Effluent Pump Station
  • Construct Pipeline DN600 Diversion to Inlet Works
  • Connection of the existing effluent pumping station to the new EPS structure
  • Extension of Potable / RE lines within plant reticulation
  • Stormwater Drainage and Pumping station
  • ILF Bin area slab, footpaths and landing slabs
  • Testing and commissioning
Challenges and achievement

Working within limited times restrictive and share spaces. Deep excavations and high-risk lifts around other constructions, subcontractors, structures, movement around site., crossing of an 11kV electrical easement, unknown underground pipework, and electrical cables.

Fruitful workshops, effective team effort in relation to risk management planning for Major 4hr limited shutdowns for cut-in, connections, bypassing, diversion including nighttime works.

Satisfactorily completion of all works without incidents or disruption to the treatment plant or breaches to its EPA license.

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